There is no manual that comes with exact directions for our personal choices in life. We keep on keeping on, solving one problem at a time and eventually, we get to see the bigger picture. We also get to exhibit bravery every time we choose to do something without knowing how it will turn out. Most adults like to think we know enough to at least have an idea of the ending place. When we cannot see through far enough,…..
Leonardo da Vinci wrote, “To develop a complete mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.”
In the above quote, da Vinci points out that we are all connected. Even after living through a very isolated time this past year, we are still working, playing, and creating with each other. In some ways, separation has helped us to see more clearly with whom and how we…..
Why is it that just when you think you have finished picking up all of 2020’s Christmas decorations, one more shows up! Of course, everyone has a different style of cleaning up and packing away for the next year. Some just scoop it all into a bag quickly, while others meticulously label and store into perfectly designed containers. Well, I would bet most Christmas decorators take the somewhere in the middle approach to clearing out the season. Every year I…..
January, the first month of the year, has a special and mostly optimistic feeling, like a do-over card in the game of “Life”. With twelve-months of wide-open road in front of us, we all must decide where we want to go this year. Seeing a clear path will be easier as obstacles begin to dissolve allowing your mind to select new destinations. Following a middle of the road path is solid advice toward navigating the first few months ahead before…..
January, the first month of the year, has a special and mostly optimistic feeling, like a do-over card in the game of “Life”. With twelve-months of wide-open road in front of us, we all must decide where we want to go this year. Seeing a clear path will be easier as obstacles begin to dissolve allowing your mind to select new destinations. Following a middle of the road path is solid advice toward navigating the first few months ahead before…..
I hope your New year’s celebrations are filled with opportunity and a healthy dose of bright new possibilities! Collectively, this year more than ever, we are anticipating the ending of one very tough 2020 with the hopefulness of a fresh start in the next. Saying goodbye to 2020 will be the easiest and most remembered transition to a new year in our lifetime. Bring on 2021!
There is so much to talk about in the coming year. Everyone…..